Thursday, January 7, 2010

New Philosophy on Food

I was wandering around the kitchen last night trying to figure out what to feed my kid for dinner when I had a thought.  I spend copious amounts of time worrying about what goes into his body and hardly any at all thinking about what I put in mine.  I mean, I guess that's better than the other way around but still bad.

When I put together a meal for my son, it usually contains some kind of protein, a carb and a vegetable or fruit.  Even if it's something as simple as dry cereal and cup of milk with some applesauce.  I wouldn't dream of giving him something from the drive through at Jack in the Box (not most days anyway) and I certainly wouldn't have him just not eat.  So why do I think these things are okay when it's me?

Another thing I have mentioned here before is cutting out chemicals.  When Joey was first starting to eat solid food, we gave him organic baby food exclusively.  I'm really not all about the organics, but I loved knowing that the only ingredients in what he was eating were those listed on the FRONT of the jar, not a ton of extra things I had never heard of.  So why don't I think twice when I put crap into my body?

So yeah, this is my new philosophy on food.  It will probably take some easing into, but I'll get there.  One of the first things I intend to cut out is soda.  That's going to be a painful one for me but I just need to do it and move on.  I made the mistake tonight of examining the Diet Dr. Pepper I am drinking and the list of ingredients seriously made me cringe.. That's bad, right?

I think I have 6 Diet Dr. Peppers left in the fridge.  I am making it my goal for this week to leave them there.  I won't say I'm giving up soda entirely just yet, but I  will at least give it up here at home.

Good luck, self.

1 comment:

  1. Ohhh, soda is hard. Good luck! I need to quit that eventually, but I have no will to right now :|
