Saturday, January 2, 2010

A New Year

I started this blog in July of 2009.  The last time I posted was August 2009.  You can probably guess what that has meant for my weight loss.  A new year has always meant new resolve for me, usually with very little result.  I made a couple of changes this year that I am hoping are going to make this year the successful one.

First, I am reading The Beck Diet Solution on the recommendation of Prior Fat Girl.  Basically the premise is that people who have struggled with weight loss do so because they don't have the right tools to deal with the emotional stuff that comes into play when we diet.  The book gives you a task a day to complete and by the end of it (6 weeks), you are supposed to be equipped with an arsenal of tools to help you manage any eating situation.

Second, I am recommitting myself to a couple of exercise goals that I've had for a while.  I want to FINALLY make it through Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred and also complete the Couch-to-5K running plan. I can be either really good about exercise or really bad.  I feel so much better when I'm good about it, though.  That's something I need to keep in mind on days when I really don't want to do any.  Helping my goals along will be the fact that a group of us are walking the  the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer in San Francisco the weekend of July 10-11.  39.3 miles over two days is not a task to be taken lightly.

The last (and really, first) new thing I plan to try this week is a 7 day detox starting Monday.  No meat, no dairy, no sugar, no preservatives, no alcohol, no caffeine.  It's not going to be easy, but I think it might be just what I need to get all the cravings for holiday crap out of my system.  I have spent some time this weekend researching vegan meals that are high in protein because I always feel crappy if I don't get enough protein which is my biggest concern with this type of eating.  If I find anything good, I will post it here along with progress reports.

I know it looks like I have big plans for the coming year, but I am planning on trying to do just one thing at a time (in addition to the tasks from The Beck Diet Solution) so I don't get overwhelmed.  My biggest goal for 2010 is to get healthy for once and for all.  We're thinking we'd like to try for another baby sometime this year and I'd like to be as healthy as possible when we do that.

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